that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.
Abraham Lincoln
This little blog of mine has been a bit neglected over the last couple weeks. I haven't had the time (or motivation, if I'm honest) to focus on photography and link-ups and the weekly things I typically partake in. But I realize that I can't always be "on". Sometimes school and family, my first priorities, become all-consuming. That's life, and honestly how it should be. Last month I wrote an original post every single day. That simply wasn't sustainable. I am glad to have hit that blogging milestone, but continuing would be to the detriment of my school work and home life. Balance.
My time and focus wax and wane depending on the happenings in the world around me. Each sunrise and sunset brings new joys and challenges. They also bring me closer to my dreams. In just a few short weeks, I will reach the end of a 4+ year journey. Instead of a finish line, I will arrive at a fork in the road. A big, scary, exciting one. Getting there is of the utmost importance.
In the meantime, this blog may occasionally get neglected. But not for long. This corner of my life and mind also deserves my attention. To focus on work, work, work and put aside the satisfaction writing this blog brings me would be to do myself an injustice.
I love these quotes, especially the one by Abraham Lincoln.