This past weekend was extraordinarily productive. I wish I could take credit. This girl had her nose to the grindstone, holed up in one of the labs in the college science building. My home away from home. Meanwhile, the boys pulled out all the stops and did many weekends worth of work in one day. I still can't wrap my mind around it.
I should start by saying we bought our house on the verge of foreclosure over five years ago. It was in rough shape, to say the least. The inside became the priority, and long winters and summer getaways meant our outdoor to-do list didn't get checked off as rapidly as we'd have liked. A week from today, we have family from both sides coming for my graduation... and our yard looked beat down by the rather looong winter.
On Saturday alone, my amazing boys hauled tons of wood, loads of cinder blocks from an old fire pit, reassembled the stones around an old well that was destroyed this winter by the snowplow guy, raked like crazy, mulched all of our planters, and even planted flowers. Even though I was working, too, I felt so guilty that I didn't contribute to the project.
Now it's up to Mother Nature to add in some green.
Our new furniture was delivered on Friday! We hauled our old couches out to the curb early Friday morning and they quickly found new homes. Unfortunately, the delivery guys damaged the back of the big couch bringing it in. Fortunately, they are letting us keep the damaged one until a replacement arrives. It took some convincing by Mario, as they were going to take it back immediately. All I could picture was a house full of guests sharing a single loveseat. Or sitting on the floor. We have to leave the tags on it, as they will resell it at a discount, but we are grateful to have some lovely new seating. It was long overdue.
The models in the store were reclining sofas. We priced out the recliner-free version as well, but found that the price difference was less than $300 between the two pieces. So we went for it, despite the fact that I have never met any people our age with recliners. Sure, they are leather and chic, but I am becoming more and more convinced this a sign we are getting old. Old, but comfy. Next up? Clap on, clap off, the Clapper!
As I wrap up this post, I am fully aware how lame we are. New sofas and yard work? Things have really gone downhill in the excitement department. Perhaps I'll have a martini while reclining in said sofas this weekend. See? This old gal does remember how to live on the edge.
Linking up:
Linking up:

How awesome that they did all of that! :)