Robin's egg blue.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

We have two evergreens on either side of our front walkway. Every year a mama robin raises her sweet little ones in a permanent nest in one of those trees. She was a little late this year... I was so happy to see her return recently. We try not to disturb her, and she gets pretty used to us walking past. It's a great little relationship we develop over spring.

In the next few weeks, we will start to hear the tiny chirps from her hungry babes. I'm excited!

Her nest is made mostly from organic matter, but there are a couple of fun additions... see the Easter grass on the right?


  1. "Robin's egg blue" always sends my mind to the crayola crayon of the same name. :) love nature and love the pics. The Easter grass makes me giggle, but kudos to the resourcefulness!

  2. Those are gorgeous eggs - we had the privilege to witness a momma robin with her babies - but could not see in the nest before hand to witness the blue eggs.

  3. So sweet! :) Absolutely beautiful eggs.


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