2014: Looking Back

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

After reading some great year-in-review posts this morning, I threw caution to the wind and thought Why the heck not?. (Then I realized they are a lot of work, which is likely why this sort of thing hadn't caught on before. But I digress.)

It was nice to go back and get a little insight into where my head was and how I view those same events now that they are neatly tucked away in the folder marked 2014

Here goes. (Best warm up your scrolling finger. This one's a doozy.)

January + February + March

skiing lessons
a (work) trip to Portland, Maine
Rio de Janeiro (part 1, part 2 & part 3)

April + May + June

a solo trip to Newport, Rhode Island (and here)
a visit to Portland
Kiddo's first time in Seattle
getting ready (aka "We Got An Offer")


an epic road trip

August + September + October


November + December

a family celebration
Christmas in Montana

reliving my 20s

2014 was one of those years. It had so much value, but I'm not sorry to turn the page on a new year. (A lot of people seem to share the same sentiments—mainstream media, other bloggers, Instagrammers—2014 was a challenging year, it would seem.) Though I subscribe to the philosophy that we are all better for having lived through it.

Here's to many more great memories in 2015.


  1. lot os good stuff happened! awww those baby birds!

  2. Growing pains still brings growth and you and your family had an amazing year of trials, tribulations, bonding and memories. I love how leafing through pictures from the year presents hard evidence that through the good/bad/indifferent - we are survivors. Happy New Year.


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