The beautiful spring came;

Thursday, May 30, 2013

and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.

Harriet Ann Jacobs

Day 2 of my ode to May 2013. Riveting, no? As I am quite sure you have been glued to your computers in eager anticipation of this followup, I will get right to it.

So much ivy. I like to pretend I attend Harvard. The ivy-covered brick depicted in New England-filmed movies is totally accurate. // Corn bread with maple butter. Get. In. Mah. Belly. // A quick nail-in-the-tire repair left this oops on my car. Thanks, Sears Auto of Burlington, Mass. // Lobster pants. Need I say more? // I've only had sushi once this month. What's wrong with me?! My doctor assures me it isn't serious. // Soup and salad. Sometimes it does the soul good. // Watermelon season is officially underway and we've had two delish melons in a row. Mario talks about it constantly. It takes like honey, Sarah! It's blowing my mind!

Sephora sells a Sun Safety kit. This girl can't resist sample sizes. And seeing as I have a genetic propensity to look like a California Raisin if left unprotected, I'm all over this bag 'o fun. // So much rain. I love a good cloudy day. // Kiddo is obsessed with Star Trek books. Read away, Little Man. // Up. Where my feet were after a CrossFit workout. I've seen 90 year old women move faster than I did in the 3 days following my first WOD. // Take 'n bake pizza is one of life's pleasures. That's code for if I bake it myself it counts as "making dinner". // My skin has been overly sensitive lately and my hands have been painfully red and irritated, leading me to ditch anything flavored. Goodbye beautifully scented lotions and soaps. You are going to live with Aunt Jessica. She will love you and appreciate you. Don't be sad. It's not your fault you gave mama a rash. // More blooms. I can't help myself.

May is going out with a bang. Less than a week ago it was near freezing and rainy. Some areas saw snow. And now... a heat wave. Well played, May. Well played. I'm suffering from serious wardrobe confusion.

1 comment :

  1. Mmm, that sushi looks so tasty!

    Jillian -


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