Did you ever wonder if the person in the puddle is real,

Saturday, October 26, 2013

and you're just a reflection of him?

Bill Watterson

My usual Friday post has been a bit neglected over the last few weeks. Fridays, as of late, have simply not lent themselves to writing. Too little time, too much distraction, I suppose. This week, however, I wanted to make sure I carved out a few moments to reflect on life since Monday. Because I realized, through the process of writing week-in-review posts, that doing a bit of a self-check is a good thing. A way to recenter and evaluate what went well, so I can celebrate it; and what wasn't so great, so I may better understand why it stuck out as a less-than-awesome event. While I still do a mental check on the weeks that slip by without a post, I find that I miss the actual documentation process.

1// As I mentioned the other day, I'm really trying to enjoy the little moments that present themselves. Walking down Main Street, for instance, on my way to the lab, latte and veggie breakfast sandwich in hand. Instead of rushing along, I work to take it all in in a more deliberate way. The smell of coffee beans roasting down the street, businesses opening for the day, friendlier dispositions. 2// This was a rough week in the Box. Oof. I was sick and therefore only made it one day last week. It's amazing how fighting a bug and missing a couple of session can affect my body. Wednesday's WOD (above) was tough, for sure, but I've fought my way through worse. I've never come so close to throwing in the towel. My body and mind were not in sync, and I knew 2 burpees in I was in trouble. Awful. Thursday and Friday were better, but not great. After some huge breakthroughs a couple weeks ago, I was discouraged. Instead of beating myself up, I'm focusing on the little victories. I survived! And truth be told, I'm better for fighting my way through this crappy CrossFit week. The fact that I keep coming back, despite wanting to quit too many times to count, is evidence that I've changed. The mental game is the hardest, after all. 3// In The Happiness Project, she talks about splurging on something meaningful and ultimately chooses a collector's set of all 15 Oz books. While getting our house ready to put on the market, and in an attempt to downsize, Kiddo and I filtered through his books; keeping the ones that had meaning and donating the rest to his class library. The Harry Potter books carry a lot of memories for our family. We read them as a family at bedtime, and have listened to the complete set on audiobook from beginning to end twice during the course of many road trips over many years. We listened to them as we drove overnight from St. Louis to Bozeman, Montana to say goodbye to Mario's grandpa. I can associate a HP book to almost every stage of Kiddo's life.  Inspired by the story about the Oz books, I decided to eliminate our mostly paperback hodge podge Harry Potter collection and start over. With first editions. In the course of a week I snagged two... each for just $3. The monetary value of first editions has nothing to do with it. I like the idea of having a beautiful original set to look at from the bookshelf, but ultimately the sentimental value is forefront in my mind. 4// This dude caught the red-eye home from San Diego yesterday... and will be home for a whole month! I'm not sure this has ever happened in the 9+ years that he's worked at his company. Bliss. 5// Blogging. Oh, blogging. I've struggled to connect with my writing space lately. I have oodles to say, then sit down to write and words evade me. I feel like my mental block is finally lifting and words are flowing more organically. But I've also learned to stop pushing it. One well thought out post in a week is better than 5 duds any day.

We have spent our lovely, lazy Saturday thus far preparing for a Halloween party at our dear friend Angy's house. There is always great conversation, good food, and a bonfire... pretty much perfection. I think inviting himself hanging out at her abode is one of Mario's favorite things in the whole world. I am going costume-less, but I'm hoping some good food will make up for my lack of adventure. Happy weekend!

1 comment :

  1. I agree about taking time off from working out...it is so amazing how it can mess with the body.


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