Rio de Janeiro: Part III

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I finally went through the last of my Rio pictures this morning. I compiled a list for Part 3... a place to put all those wonderfully random photos that I feel compelled to share. Upon finishing, I realized I probably had too many to fit in just one post. A post of reasonable length, anyway. But because I want to make sure these captured moments take up permanent residence in my corner of the blogosphere, my online memory-keeper, today will conclude my series about our adventures in Brazil. The country as seen through our eyes. This trip already feels miles away; our upcoming move and life in general have had the effect of distancing us from our time there. The memories have been softened, perhaps, but will never be forgotten. You can click on the following links to see parts one and two, should it be your heart's desire.

My lovely aunt loaned me her transitional filter for the trip. Those great waterfall photos I've always lusted after? That was the secret.

I lost count of how many coconuts I drank. So. Good.
This little guy was cute. And a little scary. Apparently they are quite aggressive. Thank goodness for telephoto lenses.

All the sidewalks in Rio have mosaic patterns of some sort. The hours spent accomplishing this must have been tremendous.
I took enough mojito photos to suggest I have a drinking problem. In reality I drink very little but will seldom turn down a really good mojito. Rio consistently had the best I've ever tasted and I imagine all others will pale in comparison.

The dinner on the last night had a Rio Carnival theme, complete with beautiful dancers in ornate costumes.

His best Blue Steel.
There is just something about stacked hillside houses. They were my favorite sight in Greece, too.

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