“If you don’t get lost, there’s a chance you may never be found.”
A couple weekends ago we went for a lovely fall drive through middle New England. It was a relaxing, Pyrex-hunting, apple-picking, family-bonding jaunt. It was a windows down, cool fall breeze in our hair, not sure where we are going kind of day. In other words, the best kind of day.
My husband is a hot dog connoisseur. So it wasn't surprising that, when lunch time came around, he had already located a hot dog joint. It was a lovely time. The boys played Frisbee while we waited for our food, and we gorged ourselves on naughty deliciousness.
I like hot dogs...but I don't have the love affair my husband shares with them. When I was pregnant with my son I had my first Chicago dog. Then I ate them regularly until he was born. Which probably explains his desire to eat them every night for dinner.
Hot dogs have become quite the "it" food as of late. Gourmet hot dogs are not uncommon, and this trend has breathed new life into the ever-present hot dog industry. This place was no exception.
Cheers! |
The man doesn't play around. |
The purist . . . although Martha says ketchup on hot dogs is uncouth. |
My avocado dog. It was awesome. And healthy, right? |
Oh, yeah. |
Here's to getting lost with the family. And to more days like this one.
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